Sadly deceased – Ian Brown (WPPS 1947 – 1950)

IAN BROWN (WPPS 1947 – 1950)

We are sad to have to report the recent death of Ian (John Lindsey) Brown.

Although his career was in accountancy, Ian had a lifelong interest in the natural environment, and botany in particular. This interest might have been born at Wetpups, though not necessarily through any academic endeavour. It was just that the boarders’ food at the time was so dire that Ian asked permission to create his own vegetable garden, to supplement his diet – certainly an unusual request from a 12-year-old boy.  Nevertheless, he was allocated a small patch in the corner of what is now the swimming pool area. Ian got to work, the vegetables flourished, and so did he!

Ian captained the WPPS 1st Cricket XI in 1950, and went on to Bishops in 1951.

Ian became a prominent and active member of the Botanical Society at Kirstenbosch. His particular interest was in clivia, collecting new varieties in the wild, propagating them, and creating new hybrids, which are now grown by enthusiasts all over the world.

Ian’s closest friend at Wetpups was Martin Simpson, who died tragically in the Lockerbie air crash. Ian was determined that Martin would be remembered at the school, and with his widow, provided funds for the school’s archives room, named after Martin.

Rest in peace, Ian.